Have a question about gardens in your region, or want to join our teacher network?
Contact your local Little Green Thumbs coordinator by selecting your region below.
Sustainable Food Edmonton
Serves Edmonton, AB
Coordinator: Claudia Bolli
Contact: lgtcoordinator@sustainablefoodedmonton.org
Inside Education
Serves ALL of Alberta, Excluding Edmonton Region
Coordinator: Kat Hill
Contact: khill@insideeducation.ca

Contact: info@peiagsc.ca
Coordinator: Alvin Dyck (interim Coordinator)
Contact: nbcoordinator@littlegreenthumbs.org

Do you have a questions about the overall program, thinking about joining our program as a delivery partner, interested in sponsorship or have a media question?
It might be Will you are looking for. Get in touch below!
Will Brooks
National Program Director